Balance is a very important part of the golf swing. Without proper balance, golfers will create inconsistent swing patterns. We measure Center of Mass and Center of Pressure to gauge how much balance the golfer has through the process of the swing.
Flexibility is important to help maximize the golfer's ability to swing the golf club. We ultimately work on flexibility to improve consistency. Improving flexibility to can help avoid swing faults such as excessive head movement, swaying, and swinging the club over the top. If tightness exists in the muscles surrounding the ankles, hips, thoracic spine, shoulders, and wrists, then range of motion will be limited resulting in improper swing patterns.
Power is an element to the game that is worked on once Balance and Flexibility have been improved. Majority of the Power in the golf swing comes from the legs which these large muscles interact with the ground to generate the maximum amount of force that will be transferred through the rest of the body to lead to the golf club. We train our golfers to swing as hard as they can while staying in balance and control.
Fitness has become a very important aspect of golfer development. We train our golfers to increase Balance, Flexibility, and Power to help make more efficient golf swings as well as injury prevention.